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Get Reiki Treatment from Reiki Healer in Terrigal

Reiki is a therapy that is often designated as palm healing. A Reiki healer in Terrigal puts his/her hands over the patient’s body to enable healing process. It combines Chinese (Ki, vital energy) and Japanese (rei, spiritual) characters. The basic idea behind Reiki is that the vibrant energy can be directed to support the body’s natural ability to heal. Reiki considers that life force energy flows to all living beings. It is the part of the mind, body, spirit and emotions. When a person’s energy is low, they feel stressed or sick while if the energy is at the right level, they feel healthier and happier.


In recent times, Reiki has been incorporated in various healthcare settings such as hospitals. Reiki helps to reduce pain and anxiety by inducing relaxation. It relieves the symptoms of depression and improves fatigue.


Reiki treatment


Any person of any age can take Reiki treatment. Also, there is no need to remove your clothes during this treatment. You can lie down on a table or bed with face up or down. You can also sit on the chair. The Reiki healer in Terrigal places his hands on the forehead, top of head, neck, abdomen, upper and lower chest, feet and chest. The music can be played in the background. Reiki healers can also provide healing treatments from long distance. The healers send energy through another source like facetime without direct contact with the patient.


What happens during Reiki?


Reiki affects the perception of pain like how much your pain is and how much you can feel it. It increases the response of the body to relaxation. After Reiki treatment, you can feel positive changes in the immune system. After a reiki treatment, a person can experience below- mentioned responses:

  • The emotions are released during treatment. Some person can cry.
  • Warm and comfortable.
  • Peaceful and relaxed
  • Breathing and heart rate can slow down as you feel relaxed.
  • You may fall to sleep during the treatment.


  • Treats depression

Reiki treatment relieves depression. As per a clinical study, scientists studied the effects of Reiki on older patients with anxiety, depression and pain. The subjects reported an improvement in mood, physical symptoms and well-being. Also, they demonstrated more feelings of self-care and relaxation.

  • Relieves anxiety, pain and fatigue

Researchers have studied that Reiki can help to reduce anxiety and pain.

  • Increases quality of life

Reiki treatment improves your overall health. Scientific evidence has shown that Reiki helps to improve the quality of life of women with cancer. Women with regular treatment show improvement in self-confidence, sleep pattern and level of depression. The feelings of relaxation, calm and inner peace were also reported.

  • Boost mood

Reiki treatment improves mood by reducing depression and anxiety. Researchers have also concluded improvement in the mood than people who have not taken Reiki treatment.


Reiki is an effective treatment method that brings positive health benefits. It can also be used with other complementary treatments like massage, acupuncture and counselling.


Get in touch with The Natural Health Sanctuary today for best Massage Therapies, Reiki sessions, facials treatment, Meditation classes in Avoca Beach, Central Coast.

Start Meditation with Meditation Teacher in Terrigal

Meditation is one of the best techniques to relax. The benefits of meditation are improved clarity, increased concentration, calm mind and the relaxation of body and mind. The regular sessions of meditation under the guidance of the meditation teacher in Terrigal has a profound effect on three domains such as mental, physical and spiritual.


With regular practice of meditation, every cell gets filled with life. The individual get filled with peace, joy and enthusiasm. Moreover, meditation brings your brain into the state of alpha that promotes healing. It makes your mind beautiful and fresh.


Meditation improves mood and reduces everyday stress


It is a simple technique that can be practiced minimum for 10 minutes. It helps to manage stress, anxiety and improve cardiovascular health. When your body is exposed to sudden threat or stress, then body reacts as a fight or flight response. This adrenaline rush is a result of release of hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and blood flow. Thus, doing meditation on a regular basis train your mind and body to achieve the state of relaxation. Relaxation results in the reduction of breathing, blood pressure and pulse rate. Thus, it improves mood, digestion, lowers blood pressure and daily stress.


How to meditate?


Meditation comprises a silent repetition of a sound, word and phrase. It requires to sit quietly with closed eyes and good posture for 10 to 20 minutes. The meditation must be done in a quiet place that is free from distractions. Feel that your muscles from feet to your face are getting relaxed. You must focus to breathe from your nose. During meditation, ignore all the intruding thoughts and worries. Try to ignore all the outside sound, phrases and words.


Tips for beginners


You are advised to start meditation under the supervision of the Meditation teacher in Terrigal. However, we are discussing simple tips that can help you to start meditation

  • Start with two minutes- Start with two minutes and if it goes well then you can increase the time for another two minutes.
  • Meditate in the morning- Set a reminder every morning to get up and do meditation.
  • Don’t worry, just meditate - You might be thinking about how and where to meditate. Don’t over think just start meditation
  • Analyse how you feel- Analyse how you feel after some sessions of meditation. Are you feeling tired, anxious or busy?
  • Count your breaths- Focus on your breath. Count your breaths.
  • Don’t lose hope- It is very common that your mind will wander here and there but it is perfectly fine. Count one and two and start again.
  • Don’t worry if you are going wrong- Just feel happy that you are doing meditation and try to focus on your thought process

Meditation is coming into mainstream as people of all ages are benefitted by it. Multinational companies offer courses in mindfulness and meditation for their employees. Doctors also recommend meditation to improve health and reduce stress.


Get in touch with The Natural Health Sanctuary today for best Massage Therapies, Reiki sessions, Meditation classes, facials treatment in Avoca Beach, Central Coast.

Reiki Therapy Improve Your Professional and Personal Life

Reiki is the source of vitality that keeps us healthy and alive. Reiki is the form of energy that flows in every person. It is omnipresent and is present in the entire universe. In order to channelize and access Reiki, one must take the consultation of Reiki healer in the Kincumber. Reiki healer channelize energy for self- healing and healing others.


Reiki can heal, cleanse and rejuvenate at the cellular level. It enhances the performance of organs, tissues and endocrine glands. It also boosts immunity and cleans mental-emotional faculties. It purifies your words, thoughts and actions. It also increases the positive life force. You can take Reiki sessions under the guidance of Reiki healer.


Applications of Reiki that improve professional and personal lives:


  • It relaxes muscles and relieves tension and stress. It eases the emotional and mental pressure.
  • It reduces soreness and pain. It provides relief within few minutes of applying Reiki.
  • It helps to melt the negative mental blocks of the person of all age groups and helps to accept the realities of life. It makes us understand, accept and love ourselves.
  • It protects our emotional and mental faculties from negative reaction under adverse and unfavorable conditions.
  • It brings precision of the mind and firmness of decision.
  • It makes you feel confident and the capable of what you are!
  • Reiki therapy under the guidance of Reiki healer sharpens intellect. It helps you to see with more clarity.
  • It mends relationships. It rekindles love, acceptance and develops understanding between individuals by regular Reiki treatment.
  • The healing process is unconditional. It always works for the highest good of all people.
  • If Reiki energy is sent to a future occasion such as graduation or marriage or function, it assists in the timely and successful completion of the same.
  • It deepens spiritual awareness and sharpens institution. The people who are spiritually inclined experience spiritual advancement with regular Reiki treatment sessions.
  • Reiki brings harmony, peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding. It also establishes a sense of accomplishment between people like workforce, team, family, class, committee and association.
  • Reiki rebuilds mental, physical, professional and emotional well-being.
  • It brings a wave of positivity that is experienced by each and every person who is receiving Reiki directly or indirectly with a group of recipients.

How will you feel after the Reiki sessions?


Many people feel relaxed after a Reiki treatment. You might feel tired but you will be full of energy. Reiki treatment can stir your emotions during the healing process while other people can experience healing reactions like flu-like symptoms and headache. This response will only last for a shorter period of time.


How many treatments do you require?


The number of Reiki treatment sessions depends person to person. Acute problems heal faster as compared to chronic ones. The Reiki healer in the Kincumber will suggest a minimum four treatments on consecutive days.


Thus, Reiki treatment, meditation & massage therapy can improve your professional and personal life. Book your appointment today itself!!

How Can Meditation Improve Your Life?

Mindfulness meditation effect physical and mental health. It reduces stress, improves sleep and relationships and enhances focus. Many scientific studies have concluded that meditation improves intellectual and cognitive abilities. If you are looking for a meditation teacher in the Kincumber then we are here for your rescue.


Regular meditation increases the performance of students at school. It also helps to reduce stress and increase the efficiency of people at the workplace. It leads to better decision making, mental alertness, creative problem solving and higher brain integration.Research has demonstrated positive emotions such as happiness, love and well-being. It also leads to improvement in personal and professional relationships. Lower levels of stress lead to better sleep.


Meditation improves your life by the following ways:


  • It reduces stress

All of us experience agitation and stress. Studies have shown that meditation improves and control emotions.


  • Improve concentration

 Meditation showed to increase your ability to focus. Increased concentration leads to increased mental energy.


  • Healthy lifestyle

Meditation can lead to a better lifestyle. A person doing meditation on a regular basis start to consume fresh fruits and green vegetables. The person also stops taking alcohol, coffee, marijuana, tobacco and much more.


  • Increased self-awareness

Meditation teaches you to recognize your own anger and become disconnected from it. Thus, by increasing self- awareness you can manage your emotions.


  • Increased happiness

Research has demonstrated that increased brain signals in the left side increases positive emotions. If the activity gets decreased, then it leads to negative emotions. Thus, meditation improves the brain signals in the left side of the brain, resulting in increased positive emotions like happiness.


  • Increased acceptance

Meditation helps you to accept your weakness and strengths. It helps you to explore the inner self. It changes the way you feel about yourself and enjoys leading life.


  • Delays aging

Clinical studies showed that meditation alters brain physiology to the process of aging. It was also concluded that the people who meditate have more grey matter thus, more brain cells. It lengthens life and reduces stress. Reduced stress leads to delay in the process of aging.


  • Improves immunity and reduce cardiovascular risk

Meditation promotes relaxation thereby increasing nitric oxide. This nitric oxide opens blood vessels resulting in the reduction of blood pressure. The scientific evidence proved that 40 to 60 percent of patients with high blood pressure stopped their blood pressure medicines by doing meditation on a daily basis. Meditation strengthens the immune system and helps to fight against infections and diseases.


  • Alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction

It minimizes addiction to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.


  • Eating disorders

Binge eating is often triggered by stress. Meditation lowers stress and thus, less stress makes you capable to recover from food addiction.


  • Pain

Clinical studies showed that meditation helps to manage pain. It helps to treat, manage and cure medical conditions.


Thus, we have discussed various points that can make your life easy. Do meditation under the guidance of the meditation teacher in the Kincumber.


Contact The Natural Health Sanctuary today for best Massage Therapies, Meditation classes, Reiki sessions, facials treatment in Avoca Beach, Central Coast.

Gift Yourself a Massage from Massage Therapist in the Kincumber

  • The massage therapy is becoming popular. More than 250 different kinds of massages are offered worldwide. The massages depend on the patient’s goals. Massage therapy treats both physical and mental ailments. Research has shown that massage improves functions of the lymphatic system that regulate hormones and prevent injuries.


    Different massage techniques and massages


    There are different body massages that are performed under the guidance of a massage therapist in the Kincumber. Some of the common massages are as follows:

    • Deep tissue massage

    These massages involve massage of deep tissue that affects sublayer of fascia and musculature. They treat injury rehabilitation, chronic muscular pain and inflammation disorders like arthritis.

    • Swedish massage

    This is a popular massage therapy that stimulates circulation and involves five kneading strokes. These strokes flow toward the heart.

    • Sports massage

    This massage is done on athletes or sportsmen to improve blood flow warm their body and treat or prevent injuries. They are done before an event, after an event and as a part of preventive treatment plans.

    • Thai massage

    Thai massages are practiced in Thailand for more than 2500 years. They are done on a firm mat on the floor. It involves positioning and kneading that stimulates organs and tissue.

    • Acupressure

    It is an ancient healing art that utilizes fingers to press main points on the skin surface. It stimulates energy channels and lower muscular tension and improves blood flow.

    • Soft tissue massage

    This method came from Europe that treats runners and athletes. It involves placing muscles in a specific position and softly manipulating them to stretch in a specific direction.

    • Shiatsu

    It is an ancient Japanese massage similar to acupressure. It unblocks the flow of energy and restores the balance of the body.


    Various massages involve different modalities:

    • Pricking
    • Stroking
    • Tapping
    • Kneading
    • Cupping
    • Compression
    • Rocking
    • Vibration
    • Use of oils, powders and lotions
    • Friction
    • Pressure to organs and muscular tissue.

    Benefits of massage therapy

    • Lower blood pressure

    The massage therapy is effective, safe, and cost-effective to control increased blood pressure and pre-hypertension state.

    • Treats lower back pain

    Massage is effective to treat chronic and acute lower back pain. Research has demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective as compared to Swedish massage.

    • Reduces anxiety, depression and fatigue

    Massage reduces stress with fatigue and depression. The depression stimulated by chronic and active pain can result in worsening of pain and muscle tension.

    • Reduces joint pain and arthritis

    People go to the massage therapist in the Kincumber to ease pain linked with soreness, stiffness, chronic health condition and injuries. It helps to relax muscles and stiff joints.

    • Prevent sports injury and improve athletic performance

    Massage therapy increase recovery from injury and athletic performance. The athletes receive the massage at training site or athletic arena.

    • Boost immunity

    It lower distress and help to tackle the symptoms of illness.


    It is now proven that massage therapy provides both mental and physical benefits. You can find a certified massage therapist & Meditation teacher & reiki healer in the Kincumber.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Facials in The Central Coast

You cannot achieve healthy skin at home; many people go to skincare professionals. One such treatment is the facials in the Central Coast. This treatment provides benefits to the skin. The facials are designed according to your skin type.


The facial is a skin treatment that treats common skin problems, cleanses pores and exfoliates dead skin. This is a multiple step procedure that nourishes and rejuvenates your face. It makes your skin younger and healthier. It is one of the best ways to relax and pamper you with a massage.


You must take the facial under a consultation of a specialist. He/she determines the right products according to your skin type. Various steps that are involved in facials in Central coast are:

  • Cleansing

A specialist applies a cleansing cream or gel on your face and neck for removing traces of dirt and make-up. The warm water paired with a cotton pad, cloth and facial sponge is used to remove the cleanser. This step helps to evaluate your skin type and texture.

  • Exfoliation

This step removes dead skin with the help of exfoliating scrub or cream. It helps to open pores.

  • Extractions

Extraction is the process to clear pores that are clogged with dead skin or excess oil leading to acne and blackheads. It can be done with the help of a metal tool or hand.

  • Massage

It involves the massage of face and upper body. Massage improves lymphatic drainage of your body.

  • Masks

The specialist applies the mask as per your skin type. Masks are applied to treat oiliness of your skin. It can also be used to hydrate skin to fight with dryness. The facials are concluded with moisturizer, serum and sunscreen.


Important facts about facial

  • Duration of the facial is 60 minutes
  • Facials help to fight skin problems like dryness and acne. It makes your skin clean. The facials in Central coast leave your face glowing. They are very relaxing as they comprise massage.
  • The facials also improve the texture of the skin. They are not used to remove wrinkles and hyper pigmentation. They can only treat mild acne.
  • Men’s facials are designed to address the requirement of men’s skin. Men’s facials treat skin problems like in growth hairs, razor burn and sensitivity.


  • Reduce stress

Facials activate the sympathetic nervous system, reduce anxiety and boost your mood. Your face has many pressure points and when these pressure points are massaged, and then the body gets relaxed.

  • Deep Cleansing and increase blood circulation

Facials open your pores and cleanse skin. Also, massage improves blood circulation and your cells receive oxygen and nutrients. Thus, you get a healthy and glowing skin.

  • Rejuvenate skin

With every passing day, skin loses its luster. Facials help to rejuvenate your skin.

  • Detoxify your skin

Facials help your skin to get rid of toxins and waste that is accumulated on daily basis.


Get a healthy skin with facials in the Central coast. Your skin will thank you!

Relax and Heal Yourself with the Right Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy is a clinically proven healthcare alternative that eases discomfort associated with chronic pain, occupational stresses, and muscular over-use. Massage therapy must be given by a registered massage therapist only. It treats both chronic and acute conditions. It is very useful to improve the condition of disability, illness and injury rehabilitation.


There are many health benefits that can be achieved through the trained Massage therapist in Central Coast. You can opt for services to get relief from chronic pain, reduce muscle tension, and relax. It increases the overall sense of physical and mental well-being.


Common benefits that can be obtained from massage therapy are as follows:


  • Reduce stress and pain

A relaxing massage helps to destress.  It is also good for chronic stiffness and lower back pain. A professional massage therapist in Central Coast target source of the pain and achieve the required massage regimen.


  • Eliminate toxins and improve flexibility

Massage stimulates soft body tissues that release toxins from lymphatic system and blood. Massage helps to loosen and relax your muscles, thus making your body more flexible.


  • Improved circulation

The tendons and muscles get lose during the massage. It improves blood flow throughout the body. Increased circulation poses many positive health effects on the body like reducing pain and fatigue.


  • Better sleep

A massage by the massage therapist in Central Coast boost your mood and relaxes your body, mind and soul. Going to bed during the night with loosened and relaxed muscles promotes sound sleep and feeling of less tiredness in the morning.


  • Reduces fatigue

Massage techniques boost mood and encourage good night sleep. It makes you feel relaxed, fresh and less worn out the entire day.


  • Increased immunity

Massage stimulates lymph nodes that recharges the body’s own defense system and thus, leads to increased immunity. It helps to fight against infections.


  • Eases anxiety and depression

Massage helps to release endorphins that provide you with a feeling of happiness. It keeps you energized and relaxed.


  • Reduce post-injury and post-surgery swelling

A professional massage by the massage therapist in Central Coast is the best way to manage swelling after surgery or injury.


Importance of massage therapy


Massage therapists in Central Coast uses their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to combine modern massage therapy techniques with other treatment methods to treat their patients. Various scientific studies and researches have proved the benefits and advantages of massage therapy in various conditions.


Massage is often used as a preventive care program for prevention of injury, sports training, stress management and more. You and the therapist can design a treatment plan according to your requirements and needs. The treatment plan is flexible and can be changed after proper analysis.


If you are looking for the massage therapist in Avoca Beach, Central Coast; your search is over! The Natural Health Sanctuary; best massage therapist, Reiki healer, Meditation Teacher will provide you with the best massage therapies. Don’t think too much, just book your appointment and enjoy the massage therapies.

Heal Yourself with Reiki Healer in Central Coast

Reiki is a form of an alternative therapy that is also known as energy healing. It was developed in Japan that transfer universal energy from the healer’s hand to the patient. It can treat many emotional states and conditions. The scientific evidence demonstrated that Reiki reduces pain.


According to therapists, energy gets stagnate in the part of the body where there is a physical injury or emotional pain. So, these energy blocks cause illness. Reiki, an energy medicine removes blocks and allow the flow of energy in the body. It results in healing, relaxation, reducing pain and reduces symptoms of illness.


Reiki session


Reiki is done in a peaceful setting and can be carried anywhere. The patient sits or lies down. The Reiki healer puts his hands on specific areas of limbs, torso and hand with different hand shapes for duration of 2 to 5 minutes. Therapist keeps its hands on 20 different areas. In case of the injury like a burn, the hands are held above the wound. As the Reiki healer holds hands on the body, there occurs a transfer of energy. The hand is kept over the body part until the healer senses that energy has stopped flowing.


The Reiki sessions can last between 15 to 90 minutes. The number of Reiki sessions depends on the client’s goal and targets. Some patients prefer to take one session while others want to take multiple sessions depending on the severance of the issue.


Reiki techniques


Some of the techniques involved by Reiki healer are as follows:

  • Clearing
  • Beaming
  • Centering
  • Infusing
  • Extraction of harmful energies

Health benefits of Reiki


According to the experts, healing effects are facilitated by channeling universal energy, qi. It is believed that we are surrounded by this energy. This energy permeates the body and can be felt by many of us. It enables the body to heal naturally, relax and develop mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Reiki help people to tackle difficulties, induce deep relaxation. It improves overall well-being and emotional stress. Reiki promotes balance and harmony of body, mind and spirit. It also supports the body to get rid of toxins and strengths immune system. It aids better sleep.


Reiki Healer in Central Coast helps your body to return to the normal state by improving heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. Various conditions such as depression, chronic pain, anxiety, heart disease, and fatigue can be treated with Reiki.


It decreases your stress level and brings focus and clarity. It also helps you to clear your negative energy and reconnect with yourself.


Thus, Reiki provides a healing touch and improve the quality of life. So, if you feel stressed or find hard to calm your mind, then Reiki is the solution. Reiki has many health benefits that help you to lead a healthy life with healthy mind. This technique of relaxation, stress reduction and easing pain is practiced around the world. So, if you are feeling stressed out, take Reiki & Meditation sessions to heal yourself.

Heal Your Mind and Body with Meditation

Meditation is gaining popularity as many people are realizing its benefits. It is a mindful and focused activity where the focus is made on a specific thing. You can focus on a particular sensation in your body, breathing and an outside object. People, who practice meditation on a regular basis, experience various health benefits. Some of them are discussed below:


  • Increased sense of self-awareness

Meditation helps to create a strong connection between body and mind. It cultivates a sense of awareness for the present moment that motivates us to remain focused and grounded in every aspect of our lives.


  • Reduces anxiety and stress

You usually feel obsessed about future and past that lead to unhappiness. But when you are living the life in the present moment, you tend to remain content. Meditation helps to stay in the present. Thus, it controls anxiety, reduces stress and encourages leading a happy and stress-free life.


  • Enhances focus and mental clarity

If you are focused and mindful in the present, then you would not be caught up in the clutter of mind. You will not be impulsive. Meditation unplugs and tunes your thoughts. Practicing meditation on a regular basis increases focus, memory, mental acuity and clarity.


  • Activate the brain’s relaxation response

Mediation triggers relaxation response of the brain. It brings positive changes in metabolism, heart rate, and brain chemistry. All these components increase the relaxation state of the brain. This relaxation results in better sleep, reduced anxiety, and stress management. It also helps to achieve a better emotional balance.


  • Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence has a great impact on your relations and state of mind. When you meditate, you get more time to concentrate on emotions. In this way, you can understand the root cause of worry and unrest. It helps to recognize your emotions and allow you to sit and face your emotions. While concentrating on your thoughts, you can manage emotions that deepen your emotional intelligence.


  • Healthy lifestyle

Meditation helps to lead a healthy and balanced life. It encourages consuming more fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. The person gets motivated to quit smoking and alcohol.


  • Slows the process of aging

Studies have shown that mediation delays the process of aging. The people who meditate daily have more brain cells and grey matter. It also increases the life expectancy by reducing overall stress on the body.


  • Help to fight addictions

Meditation increases mental discipline by increasing self-control and awareness of addictive behaviour. It enhances willpower, manage impulses and increase understanding of the causes of addictive behaviour.


  • Improve sleep

The people who mediate regularly fell to sleep quickly and stayed asleep for a longer time than people who did not meditate.


  • Manages pain

It helps to treat chronic pain as reduces the perception of the pain.


  • Manages blood pressure

Meditation reduces blood pressure and thus, reduces strain on the arteries and heart. Thus, it prevents you from heart disease.


Meditation yields many health benefits on the body and mind. So, just take deep breaths and meditate.

Energise Your Life with Massage Therapy

Do you often feel tired? When this tiredness becomes extreme, then is known as fatigue. Fatigue makes a person feel mentally and physically exhausted. It affects social relations, family life, and performance at work. In this case, massage therapists in Central Coast work on soft tissue and muscle to make you feel better. Therapists use deep circular movements, tapping, vibration and long strokes for massage. The massage releases chronic muscle tension.


The scientific research demonstrated the beneficial effects on symptoms associated with pain. The evidence shows that massage is effective for short- term and need to be continued for long-term benefits.


Various benefits of massage therapy are as follows:

  • Relaxing

When your body is under stress, it synthesis stress hormone, cortisol that leads to insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, and weight gain. Massage therapy reduces the level of cortisol and enables the body to recover. It also triggers the feeling of relaxation and improves mood.

  • Reduces stress

Massage therapy helps to relieve stress and increases energy level and reduces pain.

  • Lowers blood pressure

Regular massage reduces blood pressure. Long- term studies showed that consistent massage therapies reduce both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Persistent massage therapies decrease depression, anxiety, tension, and hostility. It also decreases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.

  • Muscle relaxation

The main purpose of therapy is to target the key areas of the body’s pain and to remove tense muscles, enhance flexibility and provide relaxation to muscles & body. It also increases circulation to the injured and affected muscles, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissues. This activity reduces swelling and stiffness in the joints and muscles. It helps to increase flexibility and reduce pain. The massage therapy helps to release pain- killing hormones which boost the production of serotonin and dopamine. It heals the body physically and emotionally by producing the feeling of euphoria, calming the nerves and managing pain.

  • Improves body posture

Many people experience neck, back and muscle pain due to poor posture. The chronic back pain is the most common cause of incorrect posture or disability.  Moreover, poor posture, obesity, and repetitive movements can result in strain on the back and other areas. The strain often leads to pain, spasms, and tense muscles. Thus, massage brings back the body into proper alignment. It improves posture and relaxes strained muscles.

  • Improve circulation

Massage increases blood circulation in stiff, damaged and tense muscles. Furthermore, pulling, twisting and squeezing massage actions remove lactic acid from the muscles. Thus, improving overall body function.

  • Strengthen the immune system

The person with stress is more vulnerable to injury and illness. When stress gets combined with poor nutrition and sleep, results in a week immune system. Studies have concluded that massage therapy reduces stress and boost the immune system.


Once upon a time massage therapy was considered an alternative approach but now it is a mainstream technique and is gaining popularity worldwide. Thus, massage therapy relieves tension or anxiety, improve sleep, circulation and promote relaxation in the entire body.


Visit The Natural Health Sanctuary for best relaxation Massage Therapists, Reiki Healer, Meditation treatment on Avoca Beach, Central Coast.

Massage Therapist | Meditation Teacher | Reiki Healer Avoca Beach, Central Coast

Well qualified in a wide range of Massage techniques, a Reiki healer, Meditation Teacher and Cellular Detox Coach. The Natural Health Sanctuary; helping people achieve full body restoration, relaxation & balance.

Source: http://thenaturalhealthsanctuary.com

Meditation in Copacabana Kincumber Avoca Beach Central Coast

The Natural Health Sanctuary offers Meditation classes; a scientifically proven form of Stress Relief, Energy Healing in Copacabana Kincumber Terrigal Avoca Beach, Central Coast.

Source: http://thenaturalhealthsanctuary.com/other-services

Massage Central Coast | Reiki Facial Avoca Beach

Looking for best relaxation Massage Therapists, Reiki, Facials on Central Coast? Visit The Natural Health Sanctuary in Avoca Beach, Copacabana, Terrigal, Kincumber.

Source: http://thenaturalhealthsanctuary.com/services-treatments