The massage therapy is becoming popular. More than 250 different kinds of massages are offered worldwide. The massages depend on the patient’s goals. Massage therapy treats both physical and mental ailments. Research has shown that massage improves functions of the lymphatic system that regulate hormones and prevent injuries.
Different massage techniques and massages
There are different body massages that are performed under the guidance of a massage therapist in the Kincumber. Some of the common massages are as follows:
These massages involve massage of deep tissue that affects sublayer of fascia and musculature. They treat injury rehabilitation, chronic muscular pain and inflammation disorders like arthritis.
This is a popular massage therapy that stimulates circulation and involves five kneading strokes. These strokes flow toward the heart.
This massage is done on athletes or sportsmen to improve blood flow warm their body and treat or prevent injuries. They are done before an event, after an event and as a part of preventive treatment plans.
Thai massages are practiced in Thailand for more than 2500 years. They are done on a firm mat on the floor. It involves positioning and kneading that stimulates organs and tissue.
It is an ancient healing art that utilizes fingers to press main points on the skin surface. It stimulates energy channels and lower muscular tension and improves blood flow.
This method came from Europe that treats runners and athletes. It involves placing muscles in a specific position and softly manipulating them to stretch in a specific direction.
It is an ancient Japanese massage similar to acupressure. It unblocks the flow of energy and restores the balance of the body.
Various massages involve different modalities:
Benefits of massage therapy
The massage therapy is effective, safe, and cost-effective to control increased blood pressure and pre-hypertension state.
Massage is effective to treat chronic and acute lower back pain. Research has demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective as compared to Swedish massage.
Massage reduces stress with fatigue and depression. The depression stimulated by chronic and active pain can result in worsening of pain and muscle tension.
People go to the massage therapist in the Kincumber to ease pain linked with soreness, stiffness, chronic health condition and injuries. It helps to relax muscles and stiff joints.
Massage therapy increase recovery from injury and athletic performance. The athletes receive the massage at training site or athletic arena.
It lower distress and help to tackle the symptoms of illness.
It is now proven that massage therapy provides both mental and physical benefits. You can find a certified massage therapist & Meditation teacher & reiki healer in the Kincumber.